By Lindy Horwood
September 29, 2021
Tardis have been in the recruitment world for over 30 years, placing thousands of people into roles. On every occasion, it starts with a resume. A resume can vary significantly depending on industry and person. Debate has ensued about just how important a resume is, some say that a client will spend no more than 15 seconds when reviewing, and generally not look past the first page. Whether this is accurate or not, a resume is still a very important tool when entering into the world of changing jobs/careers. Here is a list of handy pointers to consider when preparing your resume: Review resume templates from your industry, look at general length and detail that is standard in your area. Incorporate common keywords used in job descriptions, automation is increasing at a fast rate and keywords are becoming more and more important. Prioritise important information, don’t waffle, avoid detail explanation of your job duties, rather focus on your key achievements. Choose a professional layout and font. Optimise your skills section. Update and include your contact information, consider making this a smaller font size to maximise space on your front page. Customise your resume for every employer, and by this we don’t mean rewrite a new resume each time, rather look at ways you can tweak to match the clients expectations. Update your references, keep them current. Edit and proofread your resume, check and check again, even have a friend read over, just to be sure. There are many variables that come into play when searching for a new job however, a well written CV will start you off on the right foot.