By Orson Baker
June 29, 2021
It's safe to say that Tardis Group know a thing or two about the hiring process, in the last 30 years we have collectively set up over 200,000 interviews between clients and candidate. These meetings take place at the office, at a hotel, at a nearby coffee shop and on some occasions over dinner. Then one day, "poof" everything changed.... and face to face meetings stopped, at least for a period. What we witnessed since early 2020 was interesting to say the least, we were no longer booking rooms in an office, or tables at a restaurant, instead Tardis Group were sending out zoom invites, Team invites, skype numbers, facetime numbers, whatsapp connections. In the words of Tardis Groups MD Neil MacLean, "2020 was the year that we witnessed people being Interviewed in the kitchen offered the job and signed the contract in the sitting room, and started in the study! 2020 was the first year we conducted a search for clients where we never physically met the client and the candidate and then interviews were conducted on zoom or teams and then the successful candidate started working without crossing the employers threshold! If we had suggested that in 1989 or even as late as 2019, we may have received odd looks." As a company we were impressed by the quick uptake of digital technology that replaced face to face interviews, furthermore the decision making process that continued to evolve during this time. Perhaps the coming years will see an amalgamation of the face to face meeting and the virtual one, similar perhaps to the working from home and office combination also looks like it's here to stay. at least or a while.